stroke character

英 [strəʊk ˈkærəktə(r)] 美 [stroʊk ˈkærəktər]

网络  笔画字体; 笔划字符; 笔划字体



  1. A Stroke Extraction Method for Handprinted Chinese Character Recognition
  2. Chin Contours Classification for Face Recognition A on-line stroke based multi-level handwriting Chinese character recognition method
  3. A new approach to extract the sub stroke of handwritten Chinese character is proposed, which solves the non stability problem of sub stroke extracted from characters of the same class.
  4. This paper introduces a method of on-line handwritten Chinese character stroke recognition that is suited to the needs of character glyph analysis and the practical algorithm is given.
  5. A on-line stroke based multi-level handwriting Chinese character recognition method To evaluate ( academic work) according to a scale of letters and numbers.
  6. A Method of Stroke Classification and Recognition in On line Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition
  7. The stroke number of Chinese character and character frequency are two important factors in children's cognition of Chinese characters.
  8. In OCR, an extraneous mark extending outward from a character past the stroke edge of the character.
  9. Stroke Extracting Method for Handwritten Chinese Character Recognition
  10. Stroke Frequency and Font Effects on Chinese Character Recognition Threshold
  11. This paper presents the modelization of the stroke representation for a hollow Chinese character. The model is applied to represent a general bounded connected region.
  12. The high correct rate under different SOA levels in first experiment and basic stroke of Chinese character in second experiment testify the theory of handwriting identification, that is handwriting can be recognition and basic strokes contribute to it.
  13. Statistic on some Chinese character stroke information A CHINESE-CHARACTER STROKE-ENCODING SYSTEM
  14. According to the statistic, we have devised a new Chinese Character keyboard input method named "Stroke Code" by adopting the stroke sequence of hand-written Chinese character as its input codes and designed a kind of key arrangement for the method.
  15. Character recognition: In regard to the deformed character and the different stroke of character, the paper adopt the improvable Hausdorff Distance to realize the template match algorithm based on the thin stroke of character.
  16. A Stroke Extraction Model for Chinese Character
  17. A Comparative Study on Stroke Number and Proficiency in Chinese Character Identification between the Hearing-Impaired and Normal Children
  18. A Stroke Segment Extraction Algorithm for Tibetan Character Recognition The Magic Pen
  19. Weight Polar Direction Stroke Density Feature in Character Recognition
  20. A Study of Coding Indexing with the Order of Stroke on Chinese Characters On line handwritten Chinese character recognition method handling both stroke connection and stroke order variation
  21. This method build a dictionary library that take the strokes and stroke segment as the index parameters by making use of the stroke segment and chain code character;
  22. Finally, carry out the final fine discrimination by using the stroke of Chinese character and give out the resulting Chinese character.
  23. The Study of Stroke Extraction Models for Off-line Chinese Character Recognition
  24. New paradigm was adopted to exam stroke effect of Chinese character handwriting recognition in the second experiment, which is called stroke-leaving.
  25. An algorithm for stroke extraction directly from handprinted Chinese Character dot matrix is presented. The algorithm is Characterized by simple algorithm, fast extraction, high precision and powerful noise immunity.
  26. The problems of stroke extraction and character root recognition were studied, and the strategies and the algorithms related to the problems were proposed or developed.
  27. To get skeleton and pen-stroke of character contours, this paper presents an algorithm based on Dynamic Constrained Delaunay Triangulation.
  28. Extract four-side stroke density feature from the character image and use RBF ( Radial basis function) neural network as the classifier in coarse classification.
  29. What is more, take the stroke font of the Chinese character as the research object, accomplishing the trajectory planning of the robot.
  30. Background: Stroke has one character of four aspects ascending and one aspect increasing: high attack rate, high death rate, high disabling rate, high recurrence rate and increasing complication.